date_range = "pfn",
period = 11,
dates = NULL,
site_status = "all",
floor_iv = "1 hour",
A character
. Indicating how to call the API. 'pfn' = Period from now,
'date_range' = a date range, "recent" = the most recent value.
A numeric
. Return all values from a period from now (only if 'pfn' is used).
A vector
. Return all values within an absolute date range (start and end dates).
Only if 'date_range' is used.
A character
indicating site status. Example, 'all' = both active and inactive,
'active' = only active sites, 'inactive' = only inactive sites.
A character
on how to floor the instantaneous values, '1 hour' (default).
other options used for options.
A list with API options.
A site is considered active if; it has collected time-series (automated) data within the last 183 days (6 months) or it has collected discrete (manually collected) data within 397 days (13 months).
if (FALSE) {
yaak_river_dv <- ww_dvUSGS('12304500',
parameter_cd = '00060',
wy_month = 10)
yaak_river_iv <- ww_floorIVUSGS(yaak_river_dv)
#change floor method
yaak_river_iv <- ww_floorIVUSGS(yaak_river_dv,
options = wwOptions(floor_iv = '6-hour'))
#change number of days
yaak_river_iv <- ww_floorIVUSGS(yaak_river_dv,
options = wwOptions(floor_iv = '2-hour',
period = 365))
# get by date range
yaak_river_wy <- ww_floorIVUSGS(yaak_river_dv,
options = wwOptions(date_range = 'date_range',
dates = c('2022-03-01', '2022-05-11')))
# site status as 'active'
yaak_river_wy <- ww_floorIVUSGS(yaak_river_dv,
options = wwOptions(site_status = 'active',
date_range = 'date_range',
dates = c('2022-03-01', '2022-05-11')))