This function allows the user to pass a previously created get_*() object to get reduceRegions() by using ee_as_sf function.
geeFC = NULL,
tileScale = 1,
band = NULL,
lazy = FALSE,
variable = NULL,
leaflet = FALSE,
palette = "RdBu",
n_pal = 11,
reverse = FALSE,
user_shape = NULL
A previously created get_* object or ee.image.Image
A known GEE FeatureCollection or asset, e.g. "USGS/WBD/2017/HUC12"
A numeric
value indicating scale in meters
what to reduce regions by, 1 (default). Higher means slower but less memory, e.g. 5.
A character
indicating what bands/type to use when you have more than one.
whether to run a 'sequential' future in the background or not.
indicating what to label features in leaflet map, optional. NULL (default)
. TRUE/FALSE whether to view map. FALSE (default).
color palette using colorBrewer format, e.g. "RdBu" (default), "RdYlGn", etc.
indicating levels of colors in palette. 6 (default).
TRUE/FALSE whether to reverse palette or not, FALSE (default).
A sf object to use as 'region' for an 'ee.image.Image'.
A leaflet map (leaflet = TRUE) and always a sf object.
If lazy is TRUE, the function will be run in the background. If the pixel size is big then please adjust tileScale to account for memory. This will not effect zonal stats (pixel size) but will just take longer. user_shape in this function is used when applying a non-get_*() function to rr(); this means you can provide a 'ee.image.Image' and a sf object to run rr().
if (FALSE) {
# Load Libraries
# Bring in data
huc <- exploreRGEE::huc
ld8 <- get_landsat(huc, method = 'ld8', startDate = '2014-01-01',
endDate = '2018-12-31', c.low = 6, c.high = 11)
# without leaflet save to object
ld8_rr <- ld8 %>% rr(scale = 30, band = 'NDVI')
# with leaflet as side-effect
ld8 %>% rr(scale = 30, band = 'NDVI', leaflet = TRUE, variable = 'name')
# or side-effect leaflet and get sf object.
ld8_ts <- ld8 %>% band(scale = 500, band = 'NDVI', leaflet = TRUE, variable = 'name')